Marko Malovic

Marko Malovic

Dr. Marko Malovic is a professor of economics and director of graduate programs at the economics department of the Educons University in Novi Sad, Serbia. He holds a BA in finance and banking and an MA in international economy from the University of Belgrade, Serbia. He earned his PhD in economics at the University of Belgrade after research conducted in Berlin at the Free University and Humbdolt University, while also specializing econometrics at Brandeis University (USA). Professor Malovic held visiting professorships and research fellowships in the UK (University of Reading and London School of Economics), Italy (SAA Torino) and the USA (Suffolk University, Boston). Among other recognitions and achievements, professor Malovic was awarded the Sasakawa Young Leaders Scholarship, DAAD Scholarship, and the Serbian Academy of Arts and Sciences Scholarship. He was also a chief co-editor of Serbian edition of Krugman-Obstfeld’s International Economics textbook and co-editor of Serbian edition of Burda-Wyplosz’s The Economics of European Integration textbook. He has published articles on economic transition and emerging markets in Serbian and international journals such as Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies and Economic Analysis. Professor Malovic also consulted for the European Agency for Reconstruction, National Bank of Serbia, Yugoslav Central Bank, and the United Nations. He will be the 2023/2024 guest lecturer at the BIEE.
