Students doing an internship in Belgrade will be required to write a bi-weekly reflection on their ongoing work and life experience. Reflections should touch upon the relationship with the internship supervisor, description of the work environment, tasks performed, and commuting experience. Reflections should also evidence students’ interest in current international and local news relevant to their internship. Students will meet at least once a week with the supervising professors at the BIEE (academic supervisors) to discuss their internship experience and how it fits students’ majors and/or classes taken with the BIEE. Students will also be required to select readings relevant for the internship from the list of readings provided by the internship supervisor and/or academic supervisors. By the end of the internship, students will write a five to seven page final paper containing an analysis of their overall internship experience and policy recommendations addressed to their internship supervisor. Restrictions in writing reflections and the final paper will apply in case a host institution would request some information not to be disclosed. Internship advisors must inform the academic advisor about any such requirement concerning business confidentiality. (Academic supervisors: all BIEE faculty members)
