Nedim Hogic

Nedim Hogic

Nedim Hogic is a lawyer and political analyst from Bosnia and Herzegovina. He has worked for international organizations such as the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) and USAID on international development and legal and political reforms in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Balkans at large. He has been active in developing political platforms and campaigns for liberal and left-leaning political parties in Bosnia and Herzegovina and as a commentator on political developments for regional media outlets. His research interests include corruption, international state-building, and the Europeanization of the Western Balkans. Professor Hogic holds an LLB from the University of Sarajevo, an LLM from Harvard Law School, and a PhD in Political Science from the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna (Pisa, Italy). He will be the Emile Noël Research Fellow at New York University until July 2023.
